Interactive 3D Plots with R and Plotly

{ dementia  R-stats  data-visualization  }

In the last post I made, I showed some screen shots of 3-dimensional multidimensional scaling plots I made using the `plotly` library in R. I was kind of bummed that I didn't show interactive plots you could play with so I went back and figured out how to use `htmlwidgets` to output them in html.

To get the plots working on this blog (which is hosted on GitHub/powered by Jekyll), I followed some of the advice in this blog post by Ryan Kuhn. A script that makes both plots and writes the html can be found in the repo for this project on GitHub (EDA folder).

Both interactive graphs below show multidimensional scaling (MDS) plots of the 377 gene expression profiles in the Aging, Dementia, and TBI study from the Allen Institute for Brain Science. The first plot is shaded by the sex of the donor. The second is colored by the region of the brain the sample came from.

Have fun!

Written on May 23, 2018